Computer Science Unplugged

at McWane Center

With Dr. Tim Bell


On June 27, 2007, I hosted Dr. Tim Bell's visit to Birmingham. Tim is the author of the Computer Science Unplugged book (which is freely available) and literally tours the world teaching computer science to children in a fun and engaging show. During his visit, Tim gave a seminar lecture to adults and educators at UAB, and then presented the Unplugged show to a packed auditorium at the McWane Science Center. Over 100 students from Jefferson County attended the show, which was sponsored by the National Science Foundation (under CAREER grant 0643725). 

For more information about Computer Science Unplugged, click here.

The flyer used to advertise Tim's talk is available here.



Standing Room Only at McWane Center (6MB AVI)

Binary Numbers Activity (6MB AVI)

25 as a Human Binary Number (6MB AVI)

Happy Birthday to You (8MB AVI)

Computer Graphics Activity (9MB AVI)

Parity Bit Activity (12MB AVI) 

UAB Seminar Lecture (8MB AVI) 



Please click on any photo to enlarge.

Unplugged at McWane

Unplugged at McWane

Tim and Arnold Outside McWane

Tim and Arnold Outside McWane

Sponsored by UAB CIS

Sponsored by UAB CIS

Registration at McWane

Registration at McWane

Unplugged Audience

Unplugged Audience

Unplugged Audience

Unplugged Audience

Unplugged Audience

Unplugged Audience

Tim Introducing Unplugged

Tim Introducing Unplugged

Hello Arnold

Hello Arnold

Binary Numbers

Binary Numbers

Audience Participants

Audience Participants

A Human Sorting Network

A Human Sorting Network

Tim Speaks at UAB

Tim Speaks at UAB

UAB Audience

UAB Audience

Arnold at UAB

Arnold at UAB

Tiffany and Jacqueline Bryant

Tiffany and Jacqueline Bryant

Parity Activity with Tiffany

Parity Activity with Tiffany


17 images

Created with Web Picture Creator 1.8